and transport from over 100 years.

Together ”

professional teachers

CILT Pakistan Introductions
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport - Pakistan.
The Chartered Institute of Transport Pakistan (CIT – Pakistan) branch was established in 1976. It was renamed as the Charted Institute of Logistics and Transport Pakistan (CILT – Pakistan) in line with CILT-International. The President of Pakistan is the Patron in Chief of CILT Pakistan and Presidential Charter for functioning it in Pakistan was granted in 1994.
The principle objective of CILT (Pakistan) is to improve and encourage the talent development.
The CILT (Pakistan) conducts one major event each year in the form of a Seminar / Conference at national & international level.
Patron In Chief & Lifetime Patron
Asif Ali Zardari
President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is the Patron in Chief
Sardar Muhammad Yasin Malik
TI, HI, SI, PhDs (Hon), Lifetime Patron
Education & Training
CILT (Pakistan) is actively imparting education and training at present and is conducting the following courses:
- Diploma in Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Diploma & Certificate in Logistic & Transport (DILT / CILT)
- Diploma in Human Resource Management (DHRM)
- International Ship & Port Safety (ISPS)
- Short Courses in Information Technology
Office Bearers
Lt Col (Retd) Kaukab Mughal
FCILT (UK) – Hon Secretary
Tipu Sultan Shaikh
FCILT(UK) – Hon Joint Secretary
Engr Hamid Ali Khan
FCILT (UK) – Hon Treasurer
Engr. Vikram Singh Sogha
FCILT (UK) - Chairman & Vice Chairman
Imam Baksh
FCILT (UK) – Honorary Librarian
Membership Registration fee + Two year subscription
How to Join CILT Pakistan.
- Download Membership form www.ciltpakistan.com duly filled with black ink in block capital letters dispatch it to CILT Pakistan’s Official address.
- Updated CV (Including PA No Date of Commission and Regiment only for Armed Forces).
- Photocopy of Degrees / Qualifications.
- Photocopy of CNIC / NICOP.
- Two Colour photographs - 1" X 1"(In uniform for Armed forces officer only).
- Updated CV (Including PA No Date of Commission and Regiment only for Armed Forces).
- Photocopy of Degrees / Qualifications.
- Photocopy of CNIC / NICOP.
- Two Colour photographs - 1" X 1"(In uniform for Armed forces officer only).